Recognizing Exemplary Service

In 1973, Lions Clubs International established the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award to honor individuals who exemplify exceptional service within their local Lions Clubs. Named after Melvin Jones, the founder of Lions International, this prestigious award symbolizes dedication, service, and a commitment to improving communities worldwide. The Mineral Lake Lions Club proudly upholds this tradition, recognizing outstanding members who go above and beyond in their efforts to make a positive impact in our community each year.

Lion Steve Mayer Receives the MELVIN Jones FELLOWSHIP Award

We’re excited to share that Lion Steve Mayer was honored with the Lions Melvin Jones Fellowship Award at our January Club Member Dinner Meeting, one of the highest recognitions a Lion can receive!

Steve and his wife Starla have been Lions since 2019, and in that time, they’ve worked tirelessly with the Mineral Lake Lions Club to revamp the Mineral Lake Lions Den Campground, gradually transforming it into a destination for campers. Steve has served once as the club president and twice as vice president, where he, along with other Lions members, played a crucial role in turning the campground into a community hub & destination campground. His leadership and dedication continue to inspire, and he is currently overseeing the addition of a shower facility, which will further enhance the visitor experience.

We’re incredibly proud of and grateful for everything Steve and Starla do for our community. Congratulations, Steve—you truly deserve this honor!

Community Member Donna Elliot Receives the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award

We are beyond thrilled to announce that Donna Elliot has been honored with the Lions Melvin Jones Fellowhosip Award, a prestigious recognition typically given to Lions members but also awarded to outstanding individuals who embody a spirit of service and leadership.

Donna has dedicated years to our community through Mineral’s American Legion Post 177, playing a key role in starting the St. Patrick’s Dinner and preserving many of our town’s cherished holiday traditions. Her commitment to bringing people together and serving others has left a lasting impact.

Congratulations, Donna! We are so grateful for you and the lasting impact you’ve made.