January Member Spotlight

This week, we shine the spotlight on Tom Searl, a newer addition to our Lions family. Discover his insights on the Mineral Lake Lions Club.

Quick intro to Tom: Since 2020, he and his partner have owned and transformed East Creek Campground into “Elkamp,” elevating the camping experience. Now, let’s delve into Tom’s journey as a Lion.

  • What motivated you to start volunteering with the Mineral Lake Lions Club?

I met a Lion’s member, about 3 years ago, & she asked me if I’d like to be a part of the Lion’s Club. I wanted to get more involved in the community, but wasn’t sure how, and thought this might be a nice start! Glad she asked because I’ve sincerely enjoyed it !

  • Can you share a memorable experience from your volunteer work with the Lions?

One memorable moment is working at the Fishing Derby last year. Watching kids catching fish at the pond was incredibly fun to watch! Their faces were so joyful, as they not only caught a fish, but then took their cleaned fish (thanks to, Lion Moi Moi), along with their new fishing pole home with them. It was like a post-Christmas gift! Memorable, for sure!

  • How do you balance volunteering with other aspects of your life?

I’m still trying to figure that out! Owning and operating a local business is time consuming, with lots of unexpected things that occur, which requires time and energy. If anyone can shed light on finding that balance, I’m all ears!

  • What skills or qualities do you think make a successful volunteer?

I think it’s a simple willingness to help. What we can do collectively, is profoundly effective. Also, people bring with them various skill sets, which are incredibly valuable which adds to the effectiveness of volunteering group.

  • How has volunteering impacted you personally or professionally?

The more I am able to volunteer, it helps me to meet those in my community. The more we know one another, the stronger our community gets.

  • How do you envision the future of the Mineral Lake Lions Club, and what role do you see yourself playing in it?

Expanding and improving our outreach, in ways that are important to the community, will always be a theme for the future of the Lions. My role, as Lion and as a Club Board Member, is to continue talking with my community members, Lion or not, and asking what needs they feel are necessary for the community. I’ve not yet a most effective strategy to handle this, but it’s worth the discussion, so that action plans can be put into place

  • Is there anyone you’d like to thank or recognize for their support during your Lions journey?

Really, anyone and everyone that’s been a part of the Lion’s organization has helped me to know my community. I’m thankful for their contributions to Mineral, and the communities surrounding it. Also like to thank those that are not a part of the Lions, yet still do a lot for the community. We’re all better together!

Tom truly nailed it: being a Lion is all about service and the power of togetherness!

Want to join? Email us at info@minerallakelions.com and we will get you connected!

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